Prof. DSc Wojciech Skierucha
tel.: (81) 744 50 61 ext. 125
e-mail: w.skierucha@ipan.lublin.pl
Wyślij e-mail
Research interests:
- TDR and FRD techniques in broadband dielectric spectroscopy
- Moisture content of soil and materials/products of agricultural origin
- Agrophysical metrology
- Sensors of non-electrical quantities
Other information
Education (dates, degrees, universities):
- 1980 MSc Eng. in Electronics
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland
- 1996 PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy-Agrophysics)
Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland
- 2006 Habilitation in Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy-Agrophysics)
Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland
- Polish Society of Agrophysics
Scholarships and fellowships:
- 1988 Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Tel-Aviv, Israel
- 1990 Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA
- 1990, 1992, 1993 Winand Staring Center for Integrated Land, Soil Wageningen, The Netherlands
- 1989, 1993 Bundesanstalt für Kulturtechnik und Bodenwasserhaushalt, Petzenkirchen, Austria
- 1990, 1996 Technical University, Berlin, Germany
- 2001 Department of Soil Management and Soil Care, Gent University, Belgium
- 2001 University of Helsinki, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, Faculty of Forest and Ecology, Agricultural Experimental Station in Yokioinen, Finland
No. authors title periodic- Wilczek A., Szypłowska A., Kafarski M., Nakonieczna A., Skierucha W.: Electromagnetic simulations for salinity index error estimation (2017 r.) Measurement Science and Technology 2017, Vol. 28, 014012, 1-7
- Szypłowska A., Kafarski M., Wilczek A., Lewandowski A., Skierucha W.: Salinity index determination of porous materials using open-ended probes (2017 r.) Measurement Science and Technology 2017, Vol. 28,
- Wilczek A., Szypłowska A., Kafarski M., Skierucha W.: A Time-Domain Reflectometry Method with Variable Needle Pulse Width for Measuring the Dielectric Properties of Materials (2016 r.) Sensors 2016, Vol. 16, 2, E191
- Szypłowska A., Wilczek A., Kafarski M., Skierucha W.: Soil Complex Dielectric Permittivity Spectra Determination Using Electrical Signal Reflections in Probes of Various Lengths (2016 r.) Vadose Zone Journal 2016, Vol. doi:10.2136/vzj2015.10.0135,
- Nakonieczna A., Paszkowski B., Wilczek A., Szypłowska A., Skierucha W.: Electrical impedance measurements for detecting artificial chemical additives in liquid food products (2016 r.) Food Control 2016, Vol. 66, 116-129
- Janik G., Wolski K., Daniel A., Albert M., Skierucha W., Wilczek A., Szyszkowski P., Walczak A.: TDR Technique for Estimating the Intensity of Evapotranspiration of Turfgrasses (2015 r.) The Scientific World Journal 2015, Vol. 2015, Article ID 626545,
- Nakonieczna A., Kafarski M., Wilczek A., Szypłowska A., Janik G., Albert M., Skierucha W.: Detection of Atmospheric Water Deposits in Porous Media Using the TDR Technique. (2015 r.) Sensors 2015, Vol. 15, 1, 8464-8480
- Paszkowski B., Wilczek A., Szypłowska A., Nakonieczna A., Skierucha W.: A low-frequency sensor for determination of honey electrical properties in varying temperature conditions (2014 r.) Journal of Food Engineering 2014, 138, 17-22
- Lamorski K., Sławiński C., Moreno F., Barna G., Skierucha W., Arrue J.: Modelling soil water retention using support vector machines with genetic algorithm optimisation (2014 r.) The Scientific World Journal 2014, Vol. 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/740521,
- Janik G., Skierucha W., Błaś M., Sobik M., Albert M., Dubicki M., Zawada A.: TDR technique for estimating the intensity of effective non rainfall. (2014 r.) International Agrophysics 2014, Vol. 28, 1, 23-37
- Skierucha W., Szypłowska A., Wilczek A.: Aquametry in Agrophysics (2013 r.) Advances in Agrophysical Research 2013, Rozdz., 17-45
- Szypłowska A., Nakonieczna A., Wilczek A., Paszkowski B., Solecki G., Skierucha W.: Application of a Coaxial-Like Sensor for Impedance Spectroscopy Measurements of Selected Low-Conductivity Liquids (2013 r.) Sensors 2013, Vol. 13, 13301-13317
- Pichler V., Gömöryová E., Homolák M., Pichlerová M., Skierucha W.: Coarse woody debris of Fagus sylvatica produced a quantitative organic carbon imprint in an andic soil (2013 r.) Journal of Forest Research 2013, Vol. 18, 440-444
- Skierucha W., Sławiński C., Szypłowska A., Lamorski K., Wilczek A.: A TDR-Based Soil Moisture Monitoring System with Simultaneous Measurement of Soil Temperature and Electrical Conductivity (2012 r.) Sensors 2012, Vol. 12, 13545-13566
- Pichler V., Homolák M., Pichlerová M., Ramirez D., Gregor J., Jaloviar R., Skierucha W.: Variability of moisture in coarse woody debris from several ecologically important tree species of the Temperate Zone of Europe. (2012 r.) Ecohydrology 2012, Vol. 5, 4, 424-434
- Wilczek A., Szypłowska A., Skierucha W., Cieśla J., Pichler V., Janik G.: Determination of Soil Pore Water Salinity Using an FDR Sensor Working at Various Frequencies up to 500 MHz (2012 r.) Sensors 2012, Vol. 12, 8, 10890-10905
- Skierucha W., Wilczek A., Szypłowska A.: Dielectric spectroscopy in agrophysics. (2012 r.) International Agrophysics 2012, Vol. 26, 2, 187-197
- Wilczek A., Skierucha W., Szypłowska A.: Influence of moisture and salinity of soil on its dielectric permittivity. (2011 r.) Acta Agrophysica Rozprawy i Monografie EN 2011, Vol. 197, 6, 1-87
- Skierucha W., Wilczek A.: A FDR sensor for measuring complex soil dielectric permittivity in the 10-500 MHz Frequency Range (2010 r.) Sensors 2010, 10(4): 3314-3329
- Skierucha W.: Temperature dependence of time domain reflectometry-measured soil dielectric permittivity. (2009 r.) Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172, 2, 186-193, 2009