Magdaléna Pichlerová
Department of Landscape Planning and Design, Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Technical University in Zvolen, 96053 Zvolen, Slovak Republic
No. authors title periodic- Pichler V., Gömöryová E., Homolák M., Pichlerová M., Skierucha W.: Coarse woody debris of Fagus sylvatica produced a quantitative organic carbon imprint in an andic soil (2013 r.) Journal of Forest Research 2013, Vol. 18, 440-444
- Pichler V., Homolák M., Pichlerová M., Ramirez D., Gregor J., Jaloviar R., Skierucha W.: Variability of moisture in coarse woody debris from several ecologically important tree species of the Temperate Zone of Europe. (2012 r.) Ecohydrology 2012, Vol. 5, 4, 424-434