PhD Jolanta Cieśla
tel.: (81) 744 50 61 ext. 192
e-mail: j.ciesla@ipan.lublin.pl
Wyślij e-mail
Research interests:
- Metrology
- Ivestigation of physicochemical properties of colloids, nanoparticles and biomaterials,
- Determination of electrokinetic potential and particles size distribution using optical methods (Laser Doppler Electrophoresis and Dynamic Light Scattering)
Other information
Education (dates, degrees, universities):
- 2004 MSc in Chemistry
Faculty of Chemistry, General and Applied Chemistry, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland
MSc thesis "Theoretical description of micellarization and adsorption processes of gemini surfactants"
- 2009 PhD in Agricultural Sciences (Agronomy-Agrophysics)
Institute of Agrophysics PAS, Lublin, Poland
Dissertation "Applicability of the new type of ion selective electrodes for determination of K+ activity in soil"
- Polish Chemical Society
- Polish Agrophysical Society
- Agrifoodresearch.net – The European agricultural and food research landscape
Scholarships and fellowships:
- 2011-2012 Hungary, Research Institute of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Pannonia, 17-22.10.2011 and 30.09-06.10.2012
- 2011 Bulgaria, Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology Bulgarian Academy of Science and Research Institute of Land Reclamation and Agricultural Mechanization, Sofia
- 2007, 2009 Belgium, Ghent University (Department of Soil Management and Soil Care), fellowship in the frame of scientific cooperation between Polish Academy of Sciences and F.W.O. Flanders (Polish Belgium Joint Research Project „Physical aspects of water retention and transport of water and solutes in soils”)
- 2007 Finland, Helsinki University (Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology), fellowship in the frame of scientific cooperation between Polish Academy of Sciences and Finland Academy of Sciences (Polish Finland Joint Research Project „Soil physical factors and microbiological activity of soils under oxygen stress”)
- 2007 Slovakia, Institute of Hydrology Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, fellowship in the frame of scientific cooperation between Polish Academy of Sciences and Slovak Academy of Sciences (Polish Slovak Joint Research Project „Modeling of water regime in soil profile as an element of ground water, soil canopy and atmosphere system”)
- 2005-2007 Scholarship of the European Social Fund, The Integrated Regional Operation Program and polish national budget, grant No Z/2.06/II/2.6/01/05
Selected projects:
- 2011 Project for young scientists which was financed by the Institute of Agrophysics - contractor
- 2010-2014 Project in the frame of 2007-2013 Innovative Economy Operational Programm, I Priority: Research and development of new technology, 1.3 Action: Support of R&D projects for businessmen which are realized by scientists, 1.3.1. Sub-action: Developments projects, UDA.POIG.01.03.01-00-101/08-01, „POLAPGEN-BD „Biotechnological tools for obtaining corn varieties high resist to drought”, Task 6. Formation of physical and physicochemical properties of plants during adaptation to drought stress conditions – conctractor
- 2007-2008 Project co-financed by ERDF in the frame of Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Neighbourhood Programm INTERREG IIIA/Tacis CBC 2004-2006, NEB/PL/LUB/2.1/06/14, „Creation of a transboundary net of monitoring the soil ecosystem in the area of International Bioreserve in Western Polesie”, - material & financial monitoring of the project
- 2005-2007 Project co-financed by European Union from EFS in the frame of IOPRD, Z/2.06/II/2.6/01/05, „Grants for the young researchers as a chance of agro-development of Lublin Region” - beneficent
- 2007-2008 Promoter research project, NN 305 32 54 33, „Range of applicability of the new type of ion selective electrodes for determination of potassium activity in soil” – contractor
- 2004-2006 Research project, 2P04G 032 26, „Elaboration of the monitoring system for the chosen ions in the soil and grounds with the use of ion selective electrodes” - assistant worker
- 2009 Prize of Director of Institute of Agrophysics PAS in Lublin which was given on the base of proposal of Scientific Board of Institute for dissertation, Lublin
- 2006, 2007 Diplomas in two editions of Master of Knowledge Popularization Contests „Gold Mind 2006” and „-2007”, which were announced by President of PAS, Warsaw
Publications prepared in cooperation with Faculty of Chemistry, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin:
- Drach M., Andrzejewska A., Cieśla J., Narkiewicz-Michałek J.:
Theoretical description of aggregation of cationic gemini surfactants in the bulk solution and on the silica surface.
Adsorption, 2008, 14, 629-638
No. authors title periodic- Borkowski A., Kowalczyk P., Czerwonka G., Cieśla J., Cłapa T., Misiewicz A., Szala M., Drabik M.: Interaction of quaternary ammonium ionic liquids with bacterial membranes – Studies with Escherichia coli R1–R4-type lipopolysaccharides (2017 r.) Journal of Molecular Liquids 2017, Vol. 246, 282-289
- Matuszak-Slamani R., Bejger R., Cieśla J., Bieganowski A., Koczańska M., Gawlik A., Kulpa D., Sienkiewicz M., Włodarczyk M.: Influence of humic acid molecular fractions on growth and development of soybean seedlings under salt stress (2017 r.) Plant Growth Regulation 2017, Vol. 83, 465-477
- Domian E., Brynda-Kopytowska A., Cieśla J., Ostrowska-Ligęza E.: Effect of the type of carbohydrate on the DVS critical relative humidity in spray-dried fat-filled pea protein-based powders: Comparison with monolayer coverage and Tg values (2017 r.) Food Hydrocolloids 2017, Vol. 73, 335-343
- Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Narkiewicz-Michałek J., Szymula M., Bieganowski A.: Effect of α-tocopherol on the properties of microemulsions stabilized by the ionic surfactants (2017 r.) Journal of Molecular Liquids 2017, Vol. 236, 117-123
- Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Narkiewicz-Michałek J., Szymula M., Bieganowski A.: Alpha-tocopherol in CTAB/NaCl systems — The light scattering studies (2017 r.) Journal of Molecular Liquids 2017, Vol. 233, 15-22
- Polak-Berecka M., Boguta P., Cieśla J., Bieganowski A., Skrzypek T., Czernecki T., Waśko A.: Studies on the removal of Cd ions by gastrointestinal lactobacilli (2017 r.) Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2017, Vol. DOI: 10.1007/s00253-016-8048-9, 1-11
- Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Narkiewicz-Michałek J., Szymula M., Bieganowski A.: An influence of α tocopherol on physicochemical properties of CTAB solutions (2016 r.) 30th Conference of The European Colloid and Interface Society. Rome, Italy, 04-09.09.2016 r. 2016,
- Brynda-Kopytowska A., Domian E., Cieśla J.: Wpływ rodzaju i udziału składnika tłuszczowego na wybrane właściwości sorpcyjne suszonych rozpyłowo emulsji stabilizowanych izolatem białka grochu (2016 r.) V Sympozjum Inżynierii Żywności z okazji 200-lecia Szkoły Głównej Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie, Warszawa, 21-23.06.2016 r. 2016, 21-21
- Sokołowska Z., Witkowska-Walczak B., Skic K., Cieśla J.: Specific surface area of arctic zone soils (Spitsbergen) (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 183-183
- Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Bieganowski A.: An influence of K+ content on the physicochemical properties of the fertilizer stabilized by biosurfactant (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 129-129
- Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Bieganowski A., Skic K., Boguta P.: Surface activity of the foliar potassium supplier stabilized by rhamnolipid (2016 r.) 11th International Conference on Agrophysics: Soil, Plant & Climate, Lublin 26-28.09.2016 r. 2016, 128-128
- Cieśla J., Kopycińska M., Łukowska M., Bieganowski A., Janczarek M.: Surface Properties of Wild-Type Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii Strain 24.2 and Its Derivatives with Different Extracellular Polysaccharide Content (2016 r.) PLoS One 2016, Vol. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0165 080, 1-21
- Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Narkiewicz-Michałek J., Szymula M., Bieganowski A.: Wielkość i ładunek powierzchniowy cząstek w układach SDS/pentanol/witamina E o różnym stosunku o/w (2016 r.) 59 Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego, Poznań, 19-23.09.2016 2016, S10P04, 300-300
- Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Narkiewicz-Michałek J., Szymula M., Bieganowski A.: Wpływ stężenia elektrolitu na wielkości i właściwości elektrokinetyczne w roztworze kationowego surfaktanta zawierającym witaminę E. (2016 r.) 59 Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego, Poznań, 19-23.09.2016 2016, S10K07, 298-298
- Cieśla J., Koczańska M., Narkiewicz-Michałek J., Szymula M., Bieganowski A.: The physicochemical properties of CTAB solutions in the presence of α-tocopherol (2016 r.) Journal of Molecular Liquids 2016, Vol. 222, 463-470
- Koczańska M., Cieśla J., Bieganowski A.: The size and electrophoretic mobility of the biosurfactant aggregates at a different salt concentration. (2016 r.) 15th International Workshop for Young Scientists, BioPhys Spring 2015 Prague, Czech Republic, 05-06.05.2016 r. 2016, 28-29
- Waśko A., Polak-Berecka M., Szwajgier D., Boguta P., Cieśla J., Skrzypek T.: Lactobacilli as cadmium ion biosorbent. (2015 r.) International Scientific Conference „Biotechnology – Research and Industrial Applications”, Wrocław, 17-18.09.2015 r. 2015,
- Janczarek M., Rachwał K., Cieśla J., Ginalska G., Bieganowski A.: Production of exopolysaccharide by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii and its role in bacterial attachment and surface properties. (2015 r.) Plant and Soil 2015, Vol. 388, 1-2, 211-227
- Kędziora K., Piasek J., Szerement J., Ambrożewicz-Nita A., Cieśla J., Józefaciuk G.: Zastosowanie modyfikowanych zeolitów w procesie usuwania azotanów i fosforanów ze ścieków. (2014 r.) Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa „NAUKA DLA GOSPODARKI I ŚRODOWISKA” połączona z Jubileuszem 70-lecia Wydziału Agrobioinżynierii, Lublin, 15-16.09.2014 r. 2014,
- Stępień-Pyśniak D., Cieśla J., Wernicki A., Bieganowski A.: Rola potencjału elektrokinetycznego Enterococcus faecalis w patogenezie. (2014 r.) Konferencja Naukowa „Aktualne problemy w patologii drobiu ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem chorób układu oddechowego” Wrocław 26-27.06.2014 r. 2014, 69-79