Domański G.:
The contribution of different sources to the total CO2 emission from soils (2003 r.)
Hohenheimer Bodenkundliche Hefte
2004, 1-161
Domański G.:
Contribution of plant roots and soil organic matter to CO2 emission as estimated by means of 14C-labeling. (2002 r.)
Konferencja Naukowa - GEO 2002 "Planet Erde: Vergangenheit, Entwicklung, Zukunft", Niemcy, Wurzburg, 1-5.10.2002 r.
Kuzyakov Y., Siniakina S., Ruhlmann J., Domański G., Stahr K.:
Effect of nitrogen fertilisation on below-ground carbonallocation in lettuce. (2002 r.)
Journal Science of Food and Agriculture
2002, 82, 1432-1441
Kuzyakov Y., Domański G.:
Model for whizodeposition and CO2 efflux from planted soil and its validation by 14C pulse labelling of ryegrass. (2002 r.)
Plant and Soil
????, ??, ? - ?
Domański G., Kuzyakov Y., Stahr K.:
Total and labelled CO2 emission and 14C partitioning as affected by streptomycin and benomyl. (2001 r.)
12 Seminar Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstagung " Okophysiologie des Wurzelraumes", Schmerwitz, Niemcy, 24-25.09.2001 r.
Domański G., Kuzyakov Y., Siniakina S., Stahr K.:
Carbon flows in the rhizosphere of ryegrass (Lolium perenne). (2001 r.)
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
2001, 164, 381-387
Domański G.:
Influence of streptomycin and benomyl on 14C partitioning and on labeled and total CO2 emission. (2000 r.)
12 Seminar Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstagung " Okophysiologie des Wurzelraumes", Schmerwitz, Niemcy, 24-25.09.2001 r.
Domański G.:
Effect of mineral fertilization (NPK) and glucose addition on the ryegrass residue decopmosition in a Haplic Luvisol soil. (2000 r.)
Zjazd Niemieckiego Towarzystwa Gleboznawczego, Wiedeń, Austria, 03.09.2001 r.
Domański G., Kuzyakov Y., Stahr K.:
CO2 efflux from rhizosphere of pasture plants. (2000 r.)
Konferencja "Biogenic Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Caused by Arable and Animal Agriculture - Processes, Invventories, Mitigatio", Stuttgart, 13-15.10.1999 r.
Domański G., Koch I., Kuzyakov Y., Stahr K.:
CO2 emission from soil under winter wheat. (2000 r.)
Konferencja "Emission and sink of greenhouse gases on the Northern Eurasia Territory", Puszczino, 20-24.1.2000 r.
Domański G., Kuzyakov Y.:
Measurement of the carbon fluxes in the rhizosphere of Lolium perenne. (2000 r.)
Rhizodeposition und Stoffverwertung, 10. Borkheider Seminar zur Okophysiologie des Wurzelraumes, 27-29.09.1999
160-164, 2000
Domański G., Kuzyakov Y., Stahr K.:
CO2 efflux from rhizosphere of the pasture plants. (2000 r.)
International Conference at Stuttgart, Germany, "Biogenic Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Caused by Arable and Animal Agriculture", 13-15.10.1999
15-21, 2000
Domański G., Kuzyakov Y., Stahr K.:
Below ground carbon flows in rhizosphere of Lolium perenne as measured by 14 C pulse labeling. (2000 r.)
Zajazd Niemieckiego Towarzystwa Gleboznawczego, Hanower, 6-10.09.1999
755-758, 1999
Kuzyakov Y., Domański G.:
Carbon input by plants into the soil. Review. (2000 r.)
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
2000, 163, 421-431
Domański G., Kuzyakov Y., Stahr K.:
CO2 efflux from rhizosphere of pasture plants. (1999 r.)
Ekologia Systemów Korzenio-wych, Schmerwitz (Niemcy), 27-29.09.1999
Domański G., Kuzyakov Y., Stahr K.:
Flow dynamics of below ground carbon translocation by "Lolium perenne". (1999 r.)
Conference of the EuroClay'99, Kraków, 5-9.09.1999 r.
Domański G.:
Oznaczanie składu powietrza glebowego przy użyciu chromatografii gazowej. . (1997 r.)
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