
Monitoring and Protection of Nature Environment in International Bioreserve of West Polesie in Aspect of Transborder Cooperation

Place Lublin - IA PAN

Start date: 2008-04-23
End date: 2008-04-25

The conference „Monitoring and Protection of Nature Environment in International Bioreserve of West Polesie” took place on 23-25 April 2008 in Institute of Agrophysic PAS in Lublin.

The conference was partially funded from European Fund of Regional Development and programme TACIS CBC: Programme of Neighbourhood between Poland-Belarus-Ukraine INTERREG IIIA /TACIS CBC, Project No.: NEB/PL/Lub/2.1/06/14 "Utworzenie transgranicznej sieci monitoringu ekosystemuglebowego na terenie międzynarodowego Biorezerwatu Zachodnie Polesie”

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